Abroad with the Lockharts is a 13 episode serialized radio show from 1932 that follows a middle-aged Chicago couple on a trip from start to finish. Only nine episodes are all that is known to exist.
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-11-21 (01) Planning a Trip to Europe.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-11-24 (02) Sailing Day.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-11-25 (03) At Sea.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-11-30 (04) Arriving at England.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-12-01 (05) Sightseeing at London.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-12-14 (06) Channel Crossing to Paris.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 31-12-15 (07) Sightseeing at Paris.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 32-01-14 (15) Sightseeing at Rome.mp3
- Abroad with the Lockharts 32-01-28 (16) Homeward Bound.mp3
At Sea is broken and won't download.