Beginning as a replacement for "Gangbusters" and "Counterspy" this series premiered on December 11, 1957 and ran until June 13, 1958 on Mutual stations. According to Astounding Magazine, the series was billed as the "first science fiction radio show of science-fictioneers, by science-fictioneers, and for science-fictioneers...".
The shows, running approximately 25 minutes each, aired on Wednesdays at 8:05 PM. Twenty eight of the twenty nine shows in the series survived and are available to collectors.
The series was narrated by the editor of Astounding Magazine, John W. Cambell, Jr., with scripts written by some of the best writers of science fiction including Gordon Dickson, Robert Silverberg and others.
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (01) The Convict.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (02) Country Boy.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (04) Dreams.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (19) Planet of Geniuses (Genius).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (21) The Stowaway(Cold Equations).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (22) Telepathic (Telepaths).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (23) Time Heals.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (24) Time Traveler (Meddler's Moon).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (03) Desert Object (The Alien) (Nago).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (06) First Contact.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (07) First Men on the Moon (The Moon is New).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (08) Flashback.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (09) The Gift (The Happiness Effect).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (12) The Liar.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (14) Made in Avak (Fair Fight).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (15) The Mimic.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (16) The Mutant.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (17) Sound Decision (The Martian Queen)(Do it And Like It).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (25) The Trouble With Robots (Hunting Lodge).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (26) The Mountain of Diamond (Inferiority).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (27) Vincent Deem 1997 (The Man From The Past aka The Stranger With Roses).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (28) Space Baby (First Baby In Space).mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx (29) The Adventure of the Beauty Queen.mp3
- Exploring Tomorrow 5x-xx-xx The Last Doctor.mp3
The episode titled Telepathic appears to be only a partial episode?
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